Business & Technical Acumen is one of our key Learning Priorities and a critical focus area for career development.  To remain relevant we must continually adapt to the growing trend towards automation and data exchange in technologies.  If you work in operations and want to better understand the implications of the evolving digital landscape and exciting skillset growth opportunities in this space, then this is a really important event for you!

Who better to partner on this topic than our Gold member SAGE? Join experts Laura Mabikafola, General Manager, Skills Lab (SAGE Group’s Training Business), and Agronomist, Innovator and Thought Leader Fiona Turner, who will provide fascinating insights into industrial automation and control, instrumentation and big data analytics.  In addition to this technical introduction, Laura and Fiona will also discuss how such rapid change in these areas requires us to keep honing our skills, and future career opportunities that will become available in our industries.